Your Vision Is Precious

When you visit our practice—you can expect a warm welcome from a team that truly cares about helping you care for your most precious sense, your vision. We’re always seeking out new ways to care for eyes, searching for new ways to diagnose and manage conditions, and fueling our curiosity for optometry.  

Our team goes above and beyond to help make your visit to our office an enjoyable, informative, and productive experience. 

Our services include comprehensive eye exams for all ages, eye disease diagnosis and management, and specialty contact lenses. We thank you for trusting us with your eye care—contact us to schedule your appointment today.

Our Contact Lens Services in Ohio

Your contact lenses provide that same vision correction you’ve become accustomed to with your glasses, but they can also address different eye conditions and needs. Whether you need scleral lenses for dry eye compatibility or you’re looking into ortho-k to help manage myopia for your kids, we have you covered.
Our contact lens services include a comprehensive exam and detailed fittings to help you get a safe and comfortable fit for your new lenses. Learn more about what you can expect when you visit us for your contact lens needs.

Our Contact Lens Exams & Fittings

Our Locations

Bowling Green

  • 1222 Ridgewood Dr.
  • Bowling Green, OH 43402
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  • 4620 Woodville Rd.
  • Northwood, OH 43619
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Our Brands

Visit one of our 2 locations and explore our optical boutique today. We can help you find your next pair of favorite glasses, from new prescription frames to sunglasses and safety wear.

Our experienced team is more than happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about everything to do with your eyewear choices.

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