Many people may choose to wear contact lenses as opposed to glasses. The good news is that for most people who wear glasses, there are several contact lens options so that you can successfully and safely wear contact lenses. But what if you have a corneal condition that limits your ability to acquire adequate vision […]
Myths and Facts: Contact Lenses

Are you a contact lens wearer? If so, you’ve probably heard some myths about wearing contact lenses. Typically, these contact lens myths grow from an unusual experience or misunderstanding information. Many contact lens myths are based on the way contact lenses used to be, instead of the current design and technology of contact lenses. We […]
Basics of Ortho-K

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) is a form of reversible, refractive correction involving the overnight use of gas-permeable contact lenses that reshape the front surface of your eye. As an ortho-k wearer, you wear lenses while you sleep and remove them when you wake up. You can see clearly for the day – without wearing glasses or contact […]
Multifocal Contact Lenses

Multifocal contact lenses are yet another way to tackle presbyopia, a condition making it difficult to focus on objects up close. Presbyopia, or farsightedness, affects nearly 111 million people in the United States with a large effect on individuals in their mid 40’s. If you suffer from near and farsighted vision, you may have thought […]