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What’s a Scleral Lens?

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Many people may choose to wear contact lenses as opposed to glasses. The good news is that for most people who wear glasses, there are several contact lens options so that you can successfully and safely wear contact lenses.

But what if you have a corneal condition that limits your ability to acquire adequate vision with glasses or standard soft contact lenses?

For people who have conditions such as keratoconus, epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, corneal injuries with resultant scarring, post-LASIK ectasia, post-RK irregularities, severe dry eyes, and several other conditions, they may not acquire adequate vision with regular glasses. In these situations, there are special lenses that can help restore your sight.

Scleral lenses are one of those options. Scleral lenses are large, rigid lenses that vault over the cornea. When fit appropriately, these lenses can feel like soft lenses on the eye. They rest on the conjunctiva and underlying sclera (the white part of your eye), vaulting over the cornea to secure a thin layer of saline between the back surface of the lens and the cornea.

The combination of the lens and the saline behind the lens creates a new surface for your eye that more sharply focuses things. As such, these lenses can help restore vision for appropriate candidates. But, just like other contact lenses, these lenses have to be removed every night.

Book Your Contact Lens Exam & Fitting Today

At Premier Vision Group, we constantly strive and commit to fitting these lenses utilizing modern techniques and technologies to provide you with optimal vision and comfort outcomes. Feel free to reach out to our office if you want to learn more about these lenses and see if they are right for you.

Written by Premier Vision Group

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