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There’s More Than Just Artificial Tears to Treat Dry Eye in Ohio

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Dry eye disease is a common condition that affects millions of people. It can cause irritation, redness, a gritty sensation, and it can also cause vision to blur. Many people turn to artificial tears as their first line of treatment, but while these over-the-counter drops can provide temporary relief, they often don’t address the root cause of the problem

If you find yourself constantly reaching for eye drops without long-term improvement, it may be time to explore other treatment options.

Your Tear Film Health

One of the key factors in dry eye is the quality of your tear film, which consists of 3 layers

  • Lipid (or oil)
  • Aqueous (or water)
  • Mucin (or mucous) 

The lipid layer is the outermost layer of the tear film and prevents tear evaporation of the underlying layers. Warm compresses can help stimulate oil production from the meibomian glands, reducing tear evaporation. 

Additionally, lifestyle changes such as increasing your water intake, using a humidifier, and reducing screen time can significantly improve symptoms by maintaining a healthy tear film.

Treatments for Chronic Dry Eye

For those with chronic dry eye, more advanced treatments are available. 

  • Prescription eye drops can help reduce inflammation and increase natural tear production over time. 
  • In-office procedures such as intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, low-level light therapy (LLLT), or TearCare can restore healthy lipids and tear film stability. 
  • In some cases, hyaluronic acid gel can be placed in the puncta, a small hole in the upper and lower lid that everyone has, to help keep tears on the ocular surface for longer periods.

Find Dry Eye Relief

Managing dry eye often goes beyond simply using artificial tears. A combination of proper eye care, lifestyle adjustments, and medical treatments can provide lasting relief. By taking a comprehensive approach, you can keep your eyes comfortable and healthy in the long run. Contact our team at Premier Vision Group today to learn more. 

Written by admin

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