Ohio Gov. Appoints Cheryl Archer to State Board of Optometry
January 10, 2014
Cheryl Archer, an optometrist in Lima and Bowling Green, Ohio, and 1978 graduate of DePauw University, has been appointed to the Ohio State Board of Optometry by Governor John Kasich. Her five-tear term runs through Sept. 24, 2018.
An article in the Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune notes that the six members of the board “supervise the investigation of patient complaints and make decisions regarding the implementation of optometry laws and rules according to the Ohio Revised Code.
This also include monitoring compliance to the annual continuing education requirements and licensure renewals of all Ohio optometrists.”
Dr. Cheryl (Shaw) Archer double-majored in physics and mathematics at DePauw and graduated cum laude from the Ohio State University College of Optometry. “Archer is a volunteer for the Realeyes classroom initiative, Vision USA, InfantSee, iSee in-school eye exams, and participated in a VOSH eye care mission in Ukraine,” adds the report.